Real time information on Equities, ETFs, Latibex, Bme Growth, Electronic Outcry Markets, Warrants, BME indices
BME Market Data provides the following contents which include information from the trading systems of "Equities", "ETFs", "Latibex", "BME Growth" and "Warrants, Certificates and other Products" of BME Group.
Equity instruments data feed which provides prices, details of each individual trade and different Market depths (BBO, 5 BBO, 10 BBO and 20 BBO).
BBO for Electronic Outcry Market. 5 BBO and aggregate volume for warrants. Latibex instruments data feed.
BME Market Data offers real time information of the indices Managed by BME Group.
(**) This information product is only delivered through a data provider
BME Market Data
Palacio de la Bolsa
Plaza de la Lealtad 1
28014 Madrid